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Frequently Asked Questions - Hotel

How much bridge is available and do I have to play?
We offer duplicate bridge alternate afternoons and every evening (all of our bridge is duplicate). Our afternoon sessions are just 18 boards, our evening sessions are 21 to 24 boards. Nearly everyone plays in the evenings but only the mad half play in the afternoons. If the weather is bad we even offer morning bridge sessions. During the holiday we sometimes offer occasional instructional seminars as well. All of our bridge sessions are entirely optional, though we do ask you to tell us if you intend to play just one session of a two session event.

At what time do we dine?
There is no set dining time but we do start our evening bridge sessions at around 8.15pm, so it is necessary to dine fairly early.

How many will there be in a Diamond Bridge group?
We usually have 15 to 20 tables in the bridge room. Some groups may slightly smaller because the bridge room won't accommodate so many tables. However we never go higher than a group of around 100 people as anything larger than that starts to lose the holiday atmosphere.

How do I book?
It is just a question of filling in the booking form and sending it in together with your deposit (and insurance premium if appropriate). Of course you may want to telephone to check availability beforehand.